This page and the pages linked to it are  just for fun and for learning fun facts about one of natures truly

incredible creatures, the humble penguin.

Now, while it is true that we love all penguins equally, Pengey is an emperor penguin so you’ll tend

to find a bit more information about the emperor penguin here.

The short movies, cartoons, websites featured on this page have passed Pengey’s scrutiny.

               Pengey gives these movies “Two Flippers Up!

Pengey’s Movie Theater
The best little movies Pengey could find. These Pengey approved videos are nature programs. They are delightful and feature real penguins in the wild. Pengey says, “Enjoy!”


Here’s a little website features an emperor penguin that slides down hills on his tummy and spells your name. Just type your name or a little message and the penguin spells it out in the snowy hills. Pretty Cool!

Pengey says, “The video on this page is so nifty that I don’t want you to miss it. So here it is on the Pengey Fun Pages.”

Actual video of flying penguins, taken by the BBC in Antarctica. Pengey is excited by the possibilities but he knows that penguins can’t really fly, except underwater. Or can they????? Pengey says, “Check it out.”

If you guessed that the video of flying penguins was a fake, Pengey says, “Here’s the scoop on how the BBC actually made the film and made it look so realistic.” From all of us at - A huge THANK YOU to the BBC for this mind blowing film.

Check back every once in a while, because I am always on the lookout for new and fun films and videos.

Bye for now and thanks for visiting.

Your Pal,

Pengey Penguin

Click to see picture full size.
Pengey’s Cartoon Theater
The best cartoons Pengey could find. They are charming and feature great animation and musical scores. A new video about a bunny rabbit and a mad scientist is excellent be sure to look for it after the Ostrich video.
   Pengey’s Fun Pages